If you steep some blue pea vine flowers and cook the rice in the water ...the rice will be a beautiful blue color. Then if you add an acid(like a squeeze of lemon) the rice turns violet in color. So cool and fun for everyone to try. Tastes like normal rice! Oh how I wish I could add a picture!

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I didn’t know that, blue rice sounds so fun and I know my kids would love that. I’ll experiment with it. I do add saffron to my rice when we make biryani so that makes complete sense

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Is there a way I can show you a picture? ...you will be amazed!

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“The stage on which you shine. The thing you come home to,” a beautiful encapsulation of motherhood. This was lovely to read and resonant for this mother of 3 and rice lover.

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at first, I don't know why I teared up reading this piece, but I know it's because I feel the same way about rice. if I haven't eaten rice at least every other day, my spirit feels off. it's the food that has been present in celebrations and hardships, the steady crutch that kept me sustained. I don't have kids but I could feel the bonds you share with yours through the heartfelt analogies. loved this Perzen!!

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You put it beautifully by saying “the steady crutch that kept me sustained”. That’s exactly what parenthood is in my mind. Being a crutch some days, a ladder some days

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Beautifully written Perzen! The metaphor of rice and motherhood— brilliant!

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Thank you so much for reading I’m glad it resonates

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Just like everything you write, I devoured this!

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I love this piece like I love rice. Hahaha... Such a beautiful piece! You write beautifully, Perzen.

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Thank you Chinwe and that’s a huge honour if you love it as much as rice!

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